
Here are various theme songs I have composed to set the mood for my characters and series, as well as a few inspired by other people's series. Everything here is released under the CC-BY-SA, except for the couple of fan music things at the bottom.

(Click the album names to go to the Internet Archive pages where you can listen to the songs and download them, or in the case of songs not uploaded there yet, just click the song. I'm eventually going to get this sorted out to where all the Tyrian and Stablehand songs in albums are on the Internet Archive pages, but until then I'm afraid this page will be a bit messy.)

Stablehand album 1: On the Lift to Ruin

  • On the Lift to Ruin — lyrics
  • Hymn of Destruction - WIP
  • Gears of Science - WIP
  • Silica Heroine KRISTINA - WIP
  • Jinfèng's Theme — lyrics coming soon

Stablehand album 2: Will I live to face another day?

  • Will I live to face another day? (Stolen Heart's theme)lyrics
  • El Halcón del Aéter (Arkturuse's theme)lyrics
  • Offensive Noise — WIP
  • Incongruity and Duplicity Sing the Blues — lyrics
  • !!!*W A R N I N G*!!! - WIP
  • Neutrality (Ssivyin's theme)lyrics
  • Ferdisza, Vahyuata, Morsza - WIP

Stablehand album 3: Stories from old Aluma

  • The Legend of Kolonok — lyrics
  • Anthem of the Hexestrians - WIP

Rain of Violets

  1. Murasaki (main theme)
  2. Amperius' Theme
  3. A Change of Winds (Kazahiko's theme)
  4. Al-Sad-al-Suud ni Inoru (Qamar's theme)
  5. Indomitable (Shveta's theme)
  6. Wit's Theme — lyrics
  7. Jianglongdui Theme
  8. Hymn to Absurdity (Artifices' march)lyrics

Miscellaneous Tyrian

Fan Music