How important is the truth?
Seems like a stupid and irrelevant question, right?
Well, when you live in a world of complete chaos and absurdity where anything can change at any moment, things are a bit different. You can't just assume the road won't suddenly turn into a gaping chasm. That person you talked to yesterday? They might not have ever existed today. You can't even walk into a grocery store assuming everyone there won't give you dirty looks for not wearing a badge that says "I only eat organic cockroaches raised without rBST" when no such trend existed earlier in the day.
Tyrian is is (what will be) a manga-format story I've been putting together stuff for for a few years now. Basically you've got an indigo-haired young man who's kind of a literal nobody and figurative everyman at the same time, versus this vast society of reality-warping 'subjectivists', the "Artifices Absurditatum" ("artists of absurdity"). Tyrian's kind of trying to stop them but at the same time also trying to figure out who they are and why they're doing this, as well as how their nonsensical "Artes Perabsurdae" even work in the first place. My hope is that it will be a really interesting and possibly thought-provoking story.
Links and stuff
- Gallery of stuff on dA - (most of the stuff is kind of old)
- Main Characters - what it says on the tin; still a teeny bit dated and no pictures
- Artifices Absurditatum - list of all the divisions I've concepted up so far with their logo and a brief description
- Music - just the same music page linked at the top, but I wanted to draw your attention to Rain of Violets (the main character themes) and "Miscellaneous Tyrian".