I've always thought the concept of the New Years' resolution was a little stupid. It's rarely saying you're going to get something done that makes you actually get it done [...], and how can you know on the first day of the year what's most important to accomplish during the rest of it? You can't. You only figure that out as the year actually unfolds, and you have to juggle everything you want to accomplish with everything that's being involuntarily thrown in your face.
So, instead, I'm making what I call a "fluid to-do list". [...] On my "fluid" to-do list, I'll attempt to put together a list of achievable or semi-achievable goals to strive toward completing this year, and periodically update it with any progress I make on them, no matter how small. Any progress. I guess this shows my programming geek side a bit, since it's kind of like a changelog?
Yeah, that works. I'll call it my personal changelog. Awesome!
- Stablehand - finish writing and add to archive
- On the Lift to Ruin
- On the Lift to Ruin - actually added already, seems almost done but could maybe use a bit more fixing
- Hymn of Destruction
- Gears of Science
- Silica Heroine KRISTINA
- 'Jinfèng's theme' - give it an actual title? :p
- 'Ariana's theme' - give Ariana a theme in the first place after figuring out what her story is (I know it will involve "Knight Cat" but still have to work out the details)
- Legend of Kolonok - possibly add another chord track so it's less monotonous, and also make a vocal version, this song really needs vocals as that's the whole point
- Will I live to face another day?
- Offensive Noise (Aiyalam's theme) (you haven't heard it yet but it's going to be a metal song, and possibly awesome)
- Ferdisza, Vahyuata, Morsza (Yanha's song)
- 'Nassak's theme'
- Uncategorised
- Drakefire go~! (remix of Jinfèng's theme, actually more for use in DCS than Stablehand)
- 'Kris anime ED' (you haven't heard it but I literally just spontaneously got the idea one day, what if Stablehand was an anime?, came up with a lyric for an ED, and started writing basically an anime ending song just like that)
- 'Weird untitled song that inexplicably reminds me of Telefang for no reason'
- Incongruity and Duplicity Sing the Blues, reed organ remix
- Theme for Red of some kind, possibly - optional, considering doing a new-age-ish remix of Lance's theme
- Consider doing some songs that are just neutral ambient music and not anybody's theme song - optional
- Had this idea for "album with odd in medias res titles", though with probably pretty normal-sounding songs (may or may not use the Cleverbad to help with this)
- On the Lift to Ruin
- Tyrian - polish and add to archive
- Rain of Violets
- A Change of Winds - possibly rearrange a bit with new string instruments, but low priority
- Al Sad-al-Suud ni Inoru (Qamar's theme) - needs better instrumentation, I imagined something different pretty much from the beginning
- Red Dragon Troupe/Jianglongdui theme
- Hymn to Absurdity - it almost sounded okay but something about it just didn't seem right, so I'll probably need to fix it some
- Uncategorised
- 'Honou's theme' - I actually have a tune in my head and partial lyrics but haven't even started an ABC of this one
- Wit's theme, jazz remix
- Helico's theme - this one is just an idea I haven't even started but I still think the concept is really cool so it's something I really want to do (it will basically be an original song but attempting to be in Stewart Copeland's style)
- 'Anyokurou's theme' - may or may not do, but having a real sitar to play makes this very tempting to give a try, and if I change all the songs to the CC-BY-SA now I could make it a libre alternative to one of my favourite songs ever (you don't understand how much I've wanted deep down in my heart to just use it for stuff, but you know, copyright and all;
hint hint this is why I hate copyright) - 'Yukibakuhou's theme' - ditto, not sure if necessary right now but man would a sitar song be cool and appropriate, and also again, libre alternative to one of my favourite albums if I make it BY-SA
- Possibly change all Tyrian songs to CC-BY-SA for now; on one hand not changing licences more than once was a good enough goal, but having them under this stupid BY-NC-SA licence for long periods of time for really no good reason is not really an acceptable side effect
- Rain of Violets
Programming projects
- Stablehand
- Attribute quiz
- Random OC generator (this could potentially be pretty awesome if I were able to get it finished; I need to get most of the main species that will be appearing in Stablehand designed though before it can really be complete)
- libretto
- Eliminate the necessity to use shell scripts with libretto
- Add audio export, configurable to any format timidity supports
- Try to make libretto a plugin - optional; seems really hard to make jEdit plugins, surprisingly, dunno what's wrong with ant but something's not working
- Other
- I had a DCS demo thing I was programming - optional, updates are vastly more important right now
3D models
- Directed MBs
- Instigator
- Nebuliser - the idea of modelling fluff makes me nervous, but they're rather cool-looking
- Synergiser
- Observer - in-progress
- Ostentator - in-progress now, though I'm just making the foot at the moment XD
- Conductor
- Insulator - pretty much just needs texturing
- Postulator - why do I make my things so fluffy? But having a model of the wing-hands to pose could eliminate a lot of headache as far as drawing them goes
- Other MBs
- Adumbrator - I love this thing, this will probably get done really fast when I get to it
- Vociferator - I'm a bit meh on the way it looks in 2D right now but I bet I could make it pretty nightmarish animated
- Transitor
- Seuwayote
- Salvager - you haven't seen this one but it's pretty neat
- Veriasaurus - again worried about the fluff but could be interesting
- Cloud leijonœrn - no idea how I'm going to make it look like clouds, but something to try when I get the Adumbrator to look right XD
- Other
- I started a model of Wyvera (squamæopard) but kind of gave up temporarily - optionally pick that up again
- Try modelling a generic hexart/leijonœrn and maaaaybe a pardean - optional
- Paint real-life Yanha sculpt, update Insulator "progress" entry on this site; also reminder to update the other one when polygonal version textured
- Stablehand
- Design the rest of the MBs to fill out the chart
- Team "TPMH" - Kate, Kris, Lance, JF
- Ariana and "Knight Cat"
- Red does not really need a revamp but practising drawing her would be good
- Hughes (practise Sleipnir later, it's not too easy to practise drawing somebody who's literally a different person every time XD)
- Hexarts, leijonœrns, and pardeans, plus squamæopard (I literally haven't ever made a finished drawing of this thing even though I've had it for like years)
- New Destiny Attribute diagram and infographics - this is started but very partial right now
- MBs
- "Alfagransza" Observer
- Tyrian - Pretty much everybody needs a revamp, most of my drawings are so old XD
- Main characters - especially them, I haven't even tried to draw Qamar ever
- Important Artifices
- Come up with a new, distinctive and interesting aesthetic style for Chayavana on the whole, more centred around reflections
- Redesign main Chayavana in it, possibly
- Stablehand
- Make good progress on introductory chapters for "TPMH" - would be nice to have them done, but just making really good progress on them is probably a more realistic goal right now even if I have a whole year
- Tyrian
- I had an idea that at the beginning of each chapter there would be an interesting but nonsensical little Artifex anecdote of some kind - draw some of those, no rush, but they'd be usable in the actual story and it would be nice to have SOMETHING done story-wise
- Fan story
- Get updating DCS regularly again :p - maybe I'll try a "post a sketch weekly, and post an update every two weeks unless I need commands in which case post everything asap" schedule
- Re-read BB and pick out the best quotes/all significant facts about the characters in preparation for making the first comic
- Actually make the first comic - optional, re-reading will take some time
- Experiment with concept/interface/mechanics ideas for a re-envisioned version of Tenkai which is libre and also a spinoff of Stablehand (honestly this could be really cool, I imagine the "trainers" using the monsters as rôle objects and making them temporarily transform into different forms themed around each Destiny Attribute and you have to strategically use the right form and stuff; also, as a libre game with no stupid copyright barriers, any fanmons you made could actually become canon)
- Consider finding/devising actual ways to program this
- Consider putting EVERYTHING posted on Sangkara (text, pics, whatever) except fan art under the CC-BY-SA - dunno about this, actually, since Tyrian is "not under any specific licence" now and it could create confusion about Tyrian stuff
- Rearrange site navigation, relegating Tyrian stuff to its own page since having something I barely talk about front-and-center is kind of odd, and I'd be able to describe the story/link to the chapter opening things when I made them too - in-progress, a little
- Rewrite the "legal story" page to be more intelligent and accurate and less clueless - in progress (the permissions part was always okay; it's just the story itself that needs rewriting)
- Fix up this list with CSS so I can mark finished, new, and in-progress entries (wow this is suddenly getting meta...) - in-progress
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