3D Observer from start to finish

Well, I've already done one of these posts on both Yanhas, and now it's time for an Observer one! Excited?

Not really?

Eh, here we go anyway.

Original concept for the Observer.

Attempt at a colour palette for the Observer.

A very rough start on the Observer. (“Pet” form; I’m going to try to make “boss” form a shape key if I can)
Fudge inside-faces all the way to hamsandwichland

In which I fly into a rage about inside faces and momentarily become Equius Zahhak.

Observer in progress.

Not sure how I’m going to handle the patagium, but I think I might add it as another mesh, maybe. It would probably be easier to blend into the body that way.

Then again, I could actually wield inside faces to my advantage, and get the best of both worlds. Hmm… I think I might do that.

That, by the way, was not a very good idea. It worked, sort of, but wasn't at all necessary.


It still looks really “bluh” but I got the patagium there at least.

I extruded the middle of the snout to start creating a mouth and the Observer suddenly took on a rather goofy grin.
Wow, this thing’s tongue-hand sure looks oddly like a snake now.

I was goofing around with the procedural texture maker again trying to make some veins for the Observer tongue with the Voronoi Crackle algorithm but

Instead I made this. :p

This rather beautiful texture unfortunately got lost when Blender unexpectedly crashed, along with the one I was intending to make. Which is a real shame because I think it was pretty much the most perfect tongue vein texture possible from procedural noise, and even after a lot more fiddling with the same options (in a program that always uses the same seed for noise) I couldn't recreate it.

Whoa, you can display your mesh with wire over the top.

Convenient, but also makes me feel like I’m in some cartoon and it’s TIME TO VOYAGE INTO CYYYYBERSPAAACE.

I swear this green net effect is reminding me of an Animorphs book cover but I can't find it

That's all so far, unfortunately.

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