What is Stablehand? The December 2014 answer

Stablehand is a libre universe which will begin around a visual gamebook I'm currently developing. The goal is to give you the first fandom in which fan stuff will be 100% legal by default, no caveats (ok, two if you wanna be technical), and on roughly equal footing with canon stuff. It's a little bit like a Wikipedia universe!

Now, the visual gamebook I just mentioned, of the same name.

It is, as a certain someone made me describe, a sort of "choose your own adventure with attributes". The story has a number of its own quirky mechanics, but one of the central ideas is that there are any number of ways to be and to approach things, aka attributes.

Some people are good at certain attributes, others are terrible at them, others may even use the same attribute differently! Every character is different, and characters can of course change what attributes they are good at and which define them, sometimes leading to them schematising into new forms.

Each character (there are 12) has a distinct theme, story, and background within the framework of a fairly vast world.

And speaking of world, it's a fantastical world with an aesthetic I call retrolark. I've described it as "retro-modern middle-fantasy surrealism".

^ The obligatory "retro lark" pun.

Basically, a "retrolark" world is one where everything is styled in a sort of avant-garde minimalistic style that looks "modern" in an abstract way, but with traces of the awkward charm of about the 70s-90s. Silly expressions like "rad" are common, and people often see the world with a strange open-minded optimism. More centrally, the the world is full of strange and unheard-of things to the point almost nothing is surprising to them. That's the "lark" part.

Stablehand: our character classes include dragon rider, detective-scientist, superhero, anthro, person who realises original characters, person without eyes, person with airplane wings, person who throws cats, explorer, person who ruins everything, egyptian god ripoff employee, unearthly animal mascot

Like, it’s just not a sitcom without lizardman and space officer person right

And let's not forget the mysterious unreal entities without normal eyes that came from who-knows-where.

So, yeah! That's Stablehand. It's a goofy retro-avantgarde-fantastical Wikipedia universe where people have "attributes" and stuff. That's what it is.

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