Stablehand: libre include roundup

By now I've got a number of libre songs that I didn't create but have included in Stablehand (or considered doing so) under libre licences. There are a handful more less official ones on my tumblr, but here are the main ones right now to round out my music tag.

First of all there's Portent Rider, aka Sin rumbo fijo, pero avanzado (DavidKBD). Portent Rider's theme song. I already made a post about that, but here it is again for completeness. (BY-SA 3.0)

Then there's Kyrielle (Denis RICHARD), the theme of Rotator Phoenix. I have yet to make a real post with illustrations about the technotranscendent quatrumvirate, but it's potentially going to be a long one, so I'll save details about him for that. The really short version: he's a laid-back techno pop idol with a fiery-themed propeller that founded a city in the sky. (BY-SA 2.5)

About thirty seconds in I was positive it was pretty much the perfect way to represent Rotator's laid-back but also "cool" style, and surprisingly, I got all the way to the end of the song without being dissuaded of that.

I [...] feel like the name Kyrielle actually kind of... fits in a weird way. The best I can describe it is, it sounds like a name that would resonate with Rotator and that he'd associate with himself and inscribe on things as if it came from some kind of lost love, though in reality he never had any such girlfriend and he's just kind of pretending because that's what that name sounds like he should do with it.

La Kamel (WALIBI). This is the theme for Io, one of Stolen Heart's various people. With the vaguely Egyptian theme of the three bosses and Io being a serious Machination type, it fits pretty perfectly. (BY-SA 3.0)

(The embed wouldn't work on this one so I tried the HTML5 audio tag instead, which I've never used before. Link in case it doesn't work)

More recently, there's Etn(i)a maris (Pasqualino Ubaldini), Ariana's theme. (BY-SA 2.5)

I felt like it pretty perfectly embodied one of Ariana's main ideas, travel and adventure, so I decided to make it her theme.

Finally, there's this. Someone Else's Memories (Revolution Void). I... don't want to say much about the character it's the theme of this early. So instead, I'll say that I picked it because it's a song I almost literally couldn't get tired of. Partly because it had an electric organ which is my second favourite instrument. (BY 3.0)

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