SH Guidebook: Direction and Indirection

Destiny Attributes. Rôle objects. Central traits. Peripheral traits. Thoughtful. Dynamic. Logical. Intuitive. Oh, and our good old complicated, inscrutable friend Totality. Why, a person might think that nothing in this universe was ever simple or straightforward at all.

Of course, that's not the case. There is one unifying thing that helps account for this mess. Actually, two:

Direction and Indirection.

Direction, in the simplest terms, is a state of certainty and concreteness. Everything that exists, animate or inanimate, can be said to have it to some degree. Indirection is its polar opposite, and one can think of it as being a lack of Direction, or a state of uncertainty and abstractness. When a being consciously expresses Direction or Indirection in a sufficient amount through its thoughts or actions, it can take on a Destiny Attribute, which is a label describing the specific type of Direction or Indirection it expresses.

Machination, Fantasy, Synthesis, Unity, Will, Esteem, Verity, and Faith are all Directed attributes, and .

Duplicity, Portent, Incongruity, Eternity, Frustration, Ruin, Desolation, and Flight are all Directed attributes, and .

Folklore claims that there was once some sort of century-old wandering beast with the ability to glow brightly like a star, as well as a strange, unreal counterpart to it that seemed to periodically appear and disappear, but neither has ever been confirmed by definitive evidence.

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