Stablehand scraps, 5/2~7/24

Has it really been TWO MONTHS since I did the last summary post already? That's a long time.

Well, anyway, here are all the scrappier things that happened in that timeframe!


Fulvopards are pardeans, an odd group of "mid-sized" cats that I'm still figuring out. The main idea though is that they evolved from the close ancestors of either "big" cats or "small" cats (mostly small cats) but are a distinctly different kind of cat. (I guess by that definition the group might be polyphyletic? Eh, whatever. I'll fix it later. XD)

The fulvopard resembles a lion, but evolved from the ancestor of a more puma-like cat.

Three things.

  1. People in Grævonia are very divided on their opinions about hexarts. Those in Wespiegel generally have a strong animosity toward them, and a lot of businesses have "no hexart" signs. Those in Easboro pretty much love hexarts and a lot of businesses have signs that say "hexarts OK" or something similar.
  2. Skyland! It's a city in the sky. Made of walkways, platforms, pillars, glass, and downward-facing "groundscrapers".
  3. This morning I was in kind of a silly mood and was kind of thinking about Stolen Heart and Arkturuse's teams and how they might decorate their buildings. Then I thought of how occasionally you'll find a store or whatever that has a big happy face and a message that says "have a nice day!" or whatever, and got these hilarious images of Stolen Heart and Arkturuse doing their... own takes on that. Stolen Heart's I've already explained; the joke behind Arkturuse’s is that he’s blind.

This pretty much explains it, except that Skyland's official name is probably going to be Zefír instead.

Video of a working prototype of the Stablehand interface. Or something like that.

The other day I was thinking about some things I could do with the interface, and came up with this idea of some kind of a tree showing all the possible choices, which you could access after getting through a given chapter in order to see what all the alternate possibilities were.

I thought that due to Stolen Heart and his underlings' story (I can't say exactly why yet because spoilers XD), it might be interesting to have Kodėlgi or somebody at a monitor looking at the possibility map to kind of put things into context. As I was trying to illustrate at the top of the page, you'd click on some kind of jackal head icon to access it.

The second picture is a demo of how the tree would actually look in a browser (the paths and symbols are random, not actual spoilers or anything XD). In the HTML, the tree is actually just a list containing a number of other lists with images in them, and the lines are made entirely using :before and :after pseudo-elements. Also, because of the way I made it with inline-blocks, the tree neatly zooms in and out when the size of the attribute symbols changes. When it comes time to properly implement it in the story, I plan to put in a way to pan and zoom in/out with Javascript.

Over the next few days I'm going to be modelling Wyvera.


I'm sort of toying with the idea of Wyvera's species cameoing in Stablehand [...] (for which purpose I'm tentatively calling it the squamopard or squamaeopard) though I'm not sure that will happen.

The squamaeopard would not be in any way related to the "true" pardeans other than its appearance, of course. It would fundamentally be more of a reptile than a mammal.

And this, which I just posted today, is going to be my next hexart drawing!

And my first single drawing ever to use more than one page of paper. I guess that counts for something?

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