SH Guidebook: Destiny Attribute Checklist

Here's a good checklist of traits that go with each attribute if you want a more precise way to tell which one(s) you/your friend/your OC/whoever is!

N.b.: each of these lists is supposed to be extremely inclusive, trying to encompass every single thing that could possibly go with each attribute I can think of (it probably still won't be exhaustive though), so if a few of the bullets don't fit you at all but the rest fit you perfectly, that could still be your attribute.

Also, keep in mind that I'm still in the process of figuring out what each attribute should be like in order to encompass as many people as possible but yet make it as easy to tell from other attributes as possible. So this page is kind of a work in progress too.


You may be a Machination person if you...

(Good qualities)

  • Are good at planning things in advance and thinking strategically, and nearly always make practical and workable if not foolproof plans
  • Are highly independent and don't mind being alone, but also function well in a group
  • Excel at taking the initiative to start large endeavours yourself if no one else has
  • Observe small details and changes well
  • Are good at "thinking on the spot"
  • Plan for the absolute worst but are confident your ingenuity and preparations will mostly ensure it doesn't happen
  • View everything as a battlefield to be strategically manoeuvred through and conquered

(Neutral qualities)

  • Tend to overanalyse body language, appearance, etc. to try to figure out things about a person before you know them
  • Look around rapidly at the slightest sound or movement
  • Enjoy constructing convoluted stratagems even to do relatively simple tasks, just to feel awesome
  • Like camouflage and other stealth gear
  • Equally like the idea of NOT wearing camo etc. since that will be less expected; you tend to overthink everything like this

(Bad qualities)

  • Hate Occam's razor and tend to think of complicated and crazy conspiracy theories before normal, rational explanations for things
  • Tend to be very secretive about your personal endeavours for no good reason, brushing away other people when they try to intrude since they might screw up your project/throw off your concentration
  • May sometimes overlook those outside yourself, your group of loyal insiders, your country, your continent...


You may be a Fantasy person if you...

(Good qualities)

  • Are generally optimistic about the world, yourself, and pretty much everything, especially their ability to change for the better
  • Usually have some kind of solution when asked for one, though it's rarely very practical and sometimes very bizarre
  • Always dream big, often coming up with sweeping plans to change the entire world (even knowing that you probably don't have the guts to get them enacted)
  • Never stop dreaming or rule out a possibility just because somebody else doesn't like it
  • Generally are happy on your own, but are also really like to talk with other people and tell them all about your odd ideas
  • Have a small following of people willing to support you if/when you ever try to enact said ideas

(Neutral qualities)

  • Like talking about philosophy with other people just because
  • Tend to daydream
  • Always think about how elegant and fine everything will be before you consider its negative characteristics or anything impractical about it, and generally think about ends before you think about means
  • Think the concepts of things alone are interesting, and consider applications second-priority

(Bad qualities)

  • Sometimes fail to see reality as it is instead of how it could be
  • Can't be convinced that space aliens, ideal governments, fabulous beasts, or other similar things don't exist (Not every Fantasy person necessarily believes in every weird thing out there, but a number of them probably have at least one weird belief)


You may be a Synthesis person if you...

(Good qualities)

  • Are highly observant of your surroundings, if not necessarily with the intention to put these observations to immediate use
  • Enjoy putting previous knowledge or ideas together to create new things
  • Like learning about how stuff works, reverse-engineering things, and tinkering with things like circuits or computer programs
  • Tend to dive straight into things without wanting a long lecture about to do them, but aren't necessarily averse to reading manuals or other documentation
  • Are wary that your own actions could have huge ripple effects since you know a lot about how everything affects everything else, but have a fairly good amount of confidence in your ability to correctly guess what at least some of those effects will be
  • Love science

(Neutral qualities)

  • Tend to be a neutral observer and just like to see how things turn out, rather than getting involved
  • Like to analyse literature for connections to culture, history, etc., as well as for how the author creates a particular effect (Synthesis people wouldn't really so much like the abstract philosophical aspects of this such as "what is art" though, as that's more of a Fantasy thing; most that liked this sort of thing would probably be more focused on finding influences/symbols there was really good evidence for or applying stories to real life than grasping for anything and everything that might have influenced the author)
  • Tend to propose strange, seemingly random solutions to problems that result from combining things other people never would have put together, which may appear irrelevant on the surface but often actually turn out to be quite useful
  • Get weird hunches wondering if two things are related, and follow them until you have evidence they're fruitless
  • Like detective stories, "what-if" scenarios, and similar things

(Bad qualities)

  • Get impatient with "outsiders" who don't immediately understand your specialised knowledge/the convoluted process which brought you to your deductions
  • May sometimes take a long time to think of an idea, sometimes only coming up with one after it was actually needed
  • Can't leave "unfixed what's not broken" at times, insisting on finding your own "better" way to do things even when it isn't necessary


You may be a Unity person if you...

(Good qualities)

  • Have an extraordinary ability to be extremely calm in pretty much any situation
  • Nod and go along with pretty much anything anyone else proposes to you, as long as it's not too crazy, and even then, never judge anybody for having a crazy idea or outright tell them you think it's crazy
  • Are exceedingly tolerant of everyone regardless of who or what they are, no matter how unusual or extreme it might be
  • Always watch yourself to avoid becoming too selfish, proud, or narrow-minded
  • Not just always try to be a good person, but always strive to become a better person, feeling that your ultimate mission is a humanitarian one to improve the lives of everyone in the world in whatever way you can
  • Sometimes have sudden moments of enlightenment where you feel as if you're "one with the universe" and nothing can stop you

(Neutral qualities)

  • Rarely just propose ideas on your own and instead wait for other people to say something before adding your own thoughts
  • Avoid saying anything you think there's the least possibility would be controversial or offensive if you can at all afford to
  • Think it's extremely important to be nice to other people and not to hurt their feelings
  • Tend to "go with the flow" and just use your intuition, not stressing a lot about the outcome of anything even after it's happened
  • Tend to be resourceful and not really be afraid about doing things you don't usually do and talking to people you have never talked to before, and tend to come up with unusual, sometimes far-fetched and mystical-sounding plans; also, very rarely come up with said plans for your own benefit only

(Bad qualities)

  • May even agree with things that go against your own morals or seem illogical/evil just to avoid conflict
  • Have pretty much no dreams of your own or distinct individual identity because you try too hard to please other people and conform to what you think society wants


You may be an Esteem person if you...

(Good qualities)

(Neutral qualities)

  • Almost always dress sharply and would not be caught dead looking like you just got out of bed or are having a bad day
  • Try to be pretty much always prepared for anything, though you might not really have any idea how to prepare well and as such your "preparations" may not actually do you any good
  • Often cause people you don't even know to do you favours just through pure charisma, maybe even without saying anything
  • Generously give people things just to look cool
  • Glide into your friends' arguments and, without knowing a huge amount of background, quickly come up with an elegant solution, satisfying both parties

(Bad qualities)

  • Are a huge perfectionist and obsess way too much about (not) being awesome in every way
      • Are proud of yourself but know that too much pride can be dangerous, and try your best to act modestly toward other people
      • Can pull "Miss Manners"-type situational advice off the top of your head, which people actually listen to and consider
      • Always try to be everyone's "hero" and take on their burdens, as long as they aren't too great
      • Always get the vibe people expect a great deal out of you, or even if you know they don't, feel like they should
      • Feel like a natural-born leader, and always get the urge to guide/lead/mentor people whenever you have the opportunity
      • Feel like everyone and everything is your responsibility if nobody else takes it over, and if there's any possibility you could do it, nobody but you should be blamed for something not getting done or not getting done right
      • Are somewhat of a show-off, but never show off to make other people feel bad
      • Always try to be a role model for everybody, or rather, never not be a role model for everybody
      • Feel like if something is right or a good idea and nobody else has done it before, it's your job to be the first one
      • Always listen to everybody else's opinions, and try very hard to honour them but have the confidence to make a decision based on what you feel is the best thing to do, and defend it later, if none of the other ideas will work
      • Wouldn't take a bullet for somebody, but rather would try to skilfully manoeuvre them out of the situation such that neither of you got hurt
      • Would actually try to find the assassin/incapacitate the attacker/call the police, if we're talking literally
      • Feel it's your duty to assume a high position if there's any chance you could do it better than the person currently there, for the sake of the people


      You may be a Will person if you...

      (Good qualities)

      • Never give up until you have bent the world toward your own image of it in some way, and consider the smallest "bend" a victory
      • Don't care about "hurting" other people's feelings, even if it's a "serious wound"

      (Neutral qualities)

      • Have arguments just to win
      • Generally do things just because you can
      • Think evil mastermind characters are really cool, and even if the "good guys" are extremely relatable to most other people, tend not to care about them
      • Always fantasise about your own future and how you can make things better for yourself, and rarely think about making things better for everyone
      • Tend to demand everyone's respect with your mere presence, largely out of fear
      • Firmly subscribe to the idea that "life isn't fair", particularly if it mainly applies to other people than you
      • Have friends, but friends that tend to just go along with whatever you say, largely because you've so often either "persuaded" them to or only listened to ideas they proposed that roughly correlated with your own
      • Have friends who just plain think you and your objective are awesome and want to see to the advancement of both no matter what; these friends, much like you, will stop at nothing until you have achieved your goal
      • Have no friends, because who needs friends? You're perfectly satisfied being alone, if everybody else is too stupid to be your friends.
      • Subscribe to your own version of morality, or even believe that "there is no good or evil, just power"
      • Think it's only just that you should be #1 and be able to order everyone around, even though there's no real reason for that except that you're awesome

      (Bad qualities)

      • Only minimally care about other people's feelings, often coming across as heartless and insensitive
      • Sometimes throw logic straight out the window if it jeopardizes your authority or your plans


      You may be a Verity person if you...

      (Good qualities)

      (Neutral qualities)

      (Bad qualities)

      • Believe that while there is not necessarily one right answer to every question, there is a group of simultaneously most sensible, logical, and satisfying answers that everyone must strive toward finding
      • Change your opinions easily (but not necessarily quickly) as new evidence about a situation arrives
      • Have a tough time making decisions without having a huge amount of information
      • Are extremely loyal to your friends and would never betray them... unless the objective truth turns out to be that they are bad people and cannot be trusted
      • Respond to "signal boost" efforts with strong skepticism, only contributing if you have evidence they'll actually help
      • Feel that the objective truth trumps everybody's emotions, no matter what, and anybody who is not willing to accept the facts if there is definitive evidence for something is fundamentally myopic and stupid, and an obstacle to your ultimate objectives (Note: Verity people only feel this way if there is basically no question whatsoever that something is true; if there are any questions about the verifiability of the evidence, even if there is a really tremendous amount of this evidence, they will only feel that everybody should be looking at the evidence and evaluating it to try to determine what is true)
      • Feel that if something is really important, you must never stop fighting for it, and if nobody else is fighting for this, you must be the one to do it (this is kind of like Esteem, but the difference is that Esteem people do it to convince other people they're awesome, and Verity people just do it because it's right)
      • Simultaneously realise that you must pick your battles, and do not participate in debates/efforts that you do not feel there is objective evidence are really important in the long run
      • Would give up your effort, no matter how big or important you thought it was initially, if the truth turned out to be that it was ultimately the wrong thing to do
      • Insist on listening to all sides of a story
      • Strongly dislike demagoguing, even if an issue really is important objectively, and prefer objective explanations of why something is important
      • Like things like nature documentaries because they just give facts and don't jump to conclusions
      • Always try to be honest
      • Consider talking about something too subjectively/not giving all the facts to be lying, and avoid stating your opinions on an issue if you don't have enough information to not "lie" in this manner
      • Feel bad about having done something that you now know was an objectively bad idea
      • Don't have a personal interest in how anything turns out, and more than anything just want things to turn out the best (objectively and realistically) that they possibly can; you would like to take a course of action that makes life better for everybody, but know that's not always possible

      You are probably NOT a Verity person if you...

      • Are okay with lying about things to make other people feel better
      • Quickly make up your mind on any issue
      • Refuse to change your opinion no matter what subsequent evidence shows, even if you believe there is strong evidence for what you believe


      You may be a Faith person if you...

      (Good qualities)

      • Always have a lot of enthusiasm, all the time!
      • Volunteer yourself to help without even knowing what the task is
      • Frequently offer ideas which may be a little outlandish but which at the moment you think would be really cool and adventurous
      • Are generally very impulsive and can't resist doing things you think would be the slightest bit awesome or helpful
      • Never, ever take an idea back, no matter how ridiculous it is
      • Have practically no regrets, even if you acknowledge you have made bad decisions or offered bad ideas
      • Always swoop in to help other people in need, or even just to listen to their problems if you can't really help them
      • Never ever betray your friends ever, even if they did bad things! The truth is important, but friendship is even more important!
      • Will defend these friends no matter what, even if that only means verbally practically speaking
      • Know there is some chance you won't succeed, but will try your absolute hardest no matter what even in spite of it, particularly if this effort is to help other people
      • Do want to be everyone's "hero", but because you genuinely care about what you can do for other people
      • Have ever uttered the sentence "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine" in this spirit

      (Neutral qualities)

      • Don't care about the facts; just trust your gut, jump right in and ask questions later (and this goes for everything)
      • Respond strongly to "signal boost" efforts, if there's any chance whatsoever they could help

      (Bad qualities)

      • Frequently dismiss complicated strategies/decision scenarios as "too much thinking" and want to just "do stuff", possibly leading to very stupid actions
      • Really tend to be a bit gullible when it comes to charity efforts or anything purported to help other people, because you're just so eager to do something good you almost don't care if it actually helps

      You are probably NOT a Faith person if you...

      • Think a lot about anything before doing it
      • Are really proud of yourself
      • Often do things largely for your own sake, or to look cool (that's Esteem)


      You may be a Totality person if you...

      (Good qualities)

      (Neutral qualities)

      (Bad qualities)

      • Are secretive, open, idealistic, realistic, quiet, vocal, humanitarian, obstinate, creative, unoriginal, perceptive, oblivious, proud, humble, charismatic, repulsive, selfish, selfless, objective, unwilling to see the truth, nondescript, interesting, compassionate AND cold all at the same time
      • Are extremely difficult for anyone to characterise, period
      • Constantly change your opinions about things with or without evidence, sometimes drastically, and behave very differently from day to day, hardly knowing how your own mind and body work
      • Have about a thousand personal problems/conflicts which are always different every day, and which seem to spontaneously solve themselves as far as other people can figure, though they have no idea how or why that was a problem or how it was solved
      • Feel like you'd need 6,000 pages to adequately describe what might or might not define who you are, what you stand for, what you plan to do with your life, how you see the world... and don't think that anyone including you could understand what makes you tick even if they were able to digest and understand every single word of it
      • Couldn't guess what your own opinion on an issue would be 30 minutes from now
      • Literally have no idea what other people think of you
      • Know you have a thousand personality flaws and everybody could list out 50, no list being exactly the same (ditto with good characteristics)
      • Have ever told anybody "Don't try to understand me, you'll break your brain trying"
      • Have a huge number of interests and talents, but have no idea if you'd be interested in half of them them tomorrow, or what you'd pick tomorrow in place of them
      • Also have a huge number of really random things you're absolutely terrible at, which also seem to change from day to day
      • Are generally either an "all of the above" or "other" person no matter what the question is, possibly even for "simple" questions like "What is your gender?" (It's not necessary that Totality people identify as every gender ever, but it's definitely possible some would)

      You are probably NOT a Totality person if you...

      • Don't fit in every single attribute
      • Have any kind of consistency or predictability in your behaviour and thought patterns
      • Can perfectly explain your own motivations and goals to someone in less than five minutes and have them actually understand


      You may be a Duplicity person if you...

      (Neutral qualities)

      • Try to reveal as little information as possible about yourself to everybody, believing that anything, no matter how innocuous, could make them believe you're a bad person/did something bad
      • Watch every cue everyone gives for signs that they suspect you of anything
      • Tend to leave every situation, no matter how welcoming, early, suspecting it may be a trap
      • Feel like absolutely anyone could turn out to be your enemy, not trusting anyone because of it
      • Create very specific, elaborate conspiracy scenarios in your mind about how the world is specifically plotting against you, even though you know it's probably not true, from very, very scant evidence
      • Create a "battle plan" and "emergency plan" for every single scenario you go into, no matter how little danger most people would see in it, and wonder if you'll make it out in one piece
      • Actually worry about being killed/captured/arrested/etc. in your sleep
      • Most greatly fear, more than anything else, that somebody will accumulate a huge amount of evidence (made up of fake or real facts), that you are guilty of a crime (etc.), convince other people completely that this is true, even though it isn't, and these other people will ensure that you face the punishment for it

      (Bad qualities)

      • Frequently lie to everybody without really knowing why, often to "protect" previous lies from being discovered
      • Exercise so much excessive caution you're pretty much completely sure that that alone makes you look suspicious
      • Automatically assume that nobody will ever listen to your side of the story, and that lying, hiding, and escaping is more likely to keep you safe than at all attempting to be honest

      (Dangerous qualities)

      • Routinely do unethical or even illegal things to remain safe/hidden because you think nobody will care about the harm they cause anywhere near as much as you'd care about the harm you might suffer if you didn't do them

      You are probably NOT a Duplicity person if you...


      You may be a Portent person if you...

      • Are always worried that something bad could happen to you but don't know exactly what
      • Feel constantly uneasy, like something's not quite right, but have no idea why
      • Tend to come up with weird and improbable explanations for why you feel this way, and know they're unlikely, but even so, never be quite able to dismiss the possibility that that alien is randomly going to come down and abduct you tommorrow (etc...)
      • Have a specific event you stick to and warn people about, such as an impending meteor/flood/climate disaster/plague/whatever (Not all Portent people have "chosen" a disaster in this manner, but it's not uncommon either)
      • Live every day of your life as if it were your last, and feel like even when the event hasn't happened, it's only a matter of time
      • Most of all, are convinced that whatever is going to happen, it will happen so unexpectedly that there's really nothing you can do to prevent it or prepare for it, and your inability to predict or prepare will just make the experience that much worse
      • Know that nobody else is going to believe you when you warn them, which will again only make the experience that much worse when it happens, particularly if you're afraid the event will only happen to you causing your death/other terrible fate and nobody else
      • Periodically have nightmares/misperceptions/hallucinations that the bad event(s) may be actually happening for a second, just because you're so afraid of it happening

      You are probably NOT a Portent person if you...

      • Tend to attribute the bad thing that's going to happen to other people working against you, rather than just general bad luck (if so you could be Duplicity)


      You may be an Incongruity person if you...

      • Tend to say really random things on an impulse that are funny but often don't make much sense to anyone but you
      • Often have times when you're just trying to just say something normal, but then it comes out really weird and you just can't word it in a way that doesn't sound bizarre and incomprehensible
      • Actively try to bewilder and stump other people with your randomness just because you get a kick out of it
      • Are always trying to undermine "the system", though you don't necessarily have any particular reason for it, and may not even actually dislike "the system" that much
      • Tend to answer questions using "secret answer C", mathematician's answers, or completely irrelevant nonsense
      • Have moments when you're not really sure what you're doing or if you even really have control of your body, but can't stop yourself from doing whatever it is you're doing, and end up vandalising something/destroying something/performing some kind of strange pagan summoning ritual/doing something else really weird and shocking
      • Don't necessarily have any idea why you did these things after you did them, but feel as though they were somehow justified anyway
      • Alternatively, are afraid of what you might do next and consciously try to restrain yourself, but know that it will probably not be effective since you have little control of yourself when it actually happens ("Low-level" Incongruity people are more likely to be like this; as they lean more toward this attribute, they tend to lose this ability)
      • Randomly decide you don't like arbitrary strangers and that they must be foiled with a cunning plan
      • Randomly think of seemingly deep questions that don't make any sense, such as "what is the limit of numbers?" or "what happens when the core of the earth sputters backwards?" and ponder these questions deeply
      • Ponder said questions using logic that doesn't make the slightest bit of sense either
      • Actively are heading toward some ultimate goal that you feel will be great and feel like you're making progress toward it, but have no idea what that goal even is or how you're doing it; you might possibly feel a vibe that it's fundamentally evil or wrong for a moment, but the urge to do it is much greater, even though you have no idea why that is
      • Have goals that you actually do understand and which do make sense to you, but only by a very convoluted and confusing system of logic that would be impossible to explain to anyone else
      • Generally experience a lot of cognitive dissonance, but for some reason, don't really care (The more a person leans toward this attribute, the more they will lean toward completely disregarding cognitive dissonance and just going with their random impulses, not even caring if what they are doing makes any sense to anyone including them)

      You are probably NOT an Incongruity person if you...

      • Know exactly what you're doing, how your mind works, and what your goals are
      • Purposefully try to think of random things to be funny, rather than just having them pop into your head
      • Feel like you have full control over yourself and your actions


      You may be an Eternity person if you...

      • Have moments where you suddenly realise you're just a small part of a vast, infinite universe, and suddenly feel powerless and insignificant
      • Always feel alone, even if you are in a large crowd
      • Tend to assume by default that any bad thing that is happening to you will continue forever and there is nothing you can do to change this
      • Feel like everything bad that happens to you is probably your fault, but it's futile to do anything but accept that
      • Always feel like nothing will ever get better, and everything will always be the same: bad
      • Don't even consider the idea that other people could help you get rid of your problems, and always feel like you have to face them alone
      • Wish somebody could help you get out of this fate, but again, can't ask anybody because you know it's impossible
      • Assume that fate has conspired against you/your situation has been somehow "divinely ordained"
      • Feel, however, that since you can't change anything, it's not worth worrying/despairing about
      • Actually "like" suffering eternally because being free of your burden would mean that you'd actually have to think about how to better your situation and make the most of your life (Not every Eternity person is like this, but some who have leaned heavily toward this attribute might be)
      • Haven't necessarily had anything bad happen to you yet, but are afraid you will later make a mistake that causes some specific bad thing to happen to you and not be able to get out of it/reverse it (This is different from Portent, where a person usually doesn't think they'll cause the event personally, that it will happen randomly, and that it will actually end their life)

      You are probably NOT an Eternity person if you...

      • Are going crazy trying to fight your fate (if so you may be Ruin or Frustration), unless it hasn't happened yet


      You may be a Ruin person if you...

      • Often break things, either by accident or on purpose
      • Feel irrevocably tarnished/cursed in some way, even if objectively that isn't the case
      • Feel that no matter how hard you might try, you can never heal this taint/convince everyone else that you're still whole, but haven't necessarily given up trying to change
      • Have the potential to get quite violent (or at least fiery and unpleasant) on a bad day
      • Tend to favour the solution with the absolute least nuance/finesse involved, even if it's incredibly crude; break down the door, punch the person who disagrees, don't try to teach the dog to behave, just kill it
      • Feel a strange indignation burning deep inside you all the time, which you think is generally directed at the whole rest of the world, but aren't really sure
      • Have just kind of "given up trying to be nice" and/or "given up on the world"
      • Don't care about "burning bridges" or otherwise upsetting other people; you do what you want, and nobody can stop you
      • Just kind of wander around and do whatever for the hell of it (particularly destroy things for the hell of it) and don't really find it enjoyable, but but feel a weird urge to keep at it just because you don't know what else to do

      You are probably NOT a Ruin person if you...


      You may be a Frustration person if you...

      • Never give up, but not because you're optimistic—because you want revenge for all your failed attempts
      • Constantly try to bend the world to your will, but never succeed
      • Are so fed up with trying to get people to do things and failing at it that you've largely given up on trying to communicate your meanings through words, and instead are communicating mostly through pure anger
      • Are positive that you're right but can't get anybody else to believe you no matter how much you flail, shout, and pour tirades
      • Are using any and every approach you can think of, including the kitchen sink, each more blunt than the last
      • Shout a lot
      • Swear a lot
      • Never have time to do things the "right" way, no matter what other people say, even if in actuality you have a lot of time
      • Read the instructions perfectly and do exactly what the successful people do to the letter but still can't ever make it work for you
      • Feel insulted when other people butt in and try to help you because you know their advice won't work

      You are probably NOT a Frustration person if you...

      • Can handle things with any degree of finesse
      • Are exceptionally good at controlling your temper


      You may be a Desolation person if you...

      • Feel like you desperately need to get somewhere, but don't know exactly where
      • Are plagued with a problem that also affects others in your immediate group, and really want to solve it for both your own sake and everybody else's, but have no idea how

      You are probably NOT a Desolation person if you...


      You may be a Flight person if you...

      • Always doubt yourself, no matter what decision you made
      • Try very hard to do things that you are proud of in order to get rid of this doubt, but find that it doesn't ever help at all
      • Frequently change your self-opinion, sometimes literally thinking you're great one second and you're not worth anything the next
      • Are haunted by nightmares/illusions and tend to get spooked by shadows and dark places
      • Have huge panic attacks just from thinking about something that you're a teeny tiny bit anxious about
      • Overthink absolutely everything because you're too scared about what would happen if you did it since it might be an overreaction to what happened previously but oh god you're overreacting now is that really worse than just doing what might or might not have been an overreaction publicly you don't know should you just do it which would be more normal am I normal do I even know what normal means what should I do what should I do
      • Just try to forget you have the above problem because you think maybe that will make you more "normal", but find that it just keeps coming back
      • Do things impulsively without thinking just because you want to avoid overthinking them
      • Tend to run away from any situation where your self-doubts might be confirmed
      • Also run away from anybody who might be able to help you because that would mean you aren't normal, which you are very afraid of
      • Are literally afraid of admitting you're afraid of things
      • Don't know why you're afraid of so many random things but for some reason, you are

      You are probably NOT a Flight person if you...

      • Have ever had any confidence in your abilities that lasted more than a week and a half
      • Are just an introvert who is cautious of doing/saying something that other people would be critical of (that could simply be a negative consequence of Unity), and don't live in constant irrational fear


      You may be a Nothing person if you...

      • Don't care about anything
      • Don't have any real talents or weaknesses
      • Don't have any hobbies
      • Don't have any friends
      • Don't really interact with anyone
      • Struggle to find a good reason to get out of bed in the morning, but do it anyway
      • Feel empty inside
      • Don't really despair, but kind of think the entire world is pointless
      • Watch leaves blow in the breeze and philosophise about the meaning of life when other people are just having fun
      • Have no idea how other people can have fun, or what that means, or what the point is
      • Feel like a shadow, flat with no substance, unnoticed, but just kind of there

      You are probably NOT a Nothing person if you...

      • Have any meaningful reason to live
      • Know of any specific reason to feel empty (if so you may be Eternity)

      True Nothing

      Nothing means a teeny tiny balanced polygon on an Undirected graph. True Nothing means a big black polygon on an Undirected graph—basically all the Undirected attributes at once, but with its own peculiarities too.

      You may be a True Nothing person if you...

      • Feel persecuted, paranoid, overwhelmed, unpredictable, destructive, frustrated, lost but counted on, inadequate, AND empty all at once
      • Feel permeated with a strange force that seems to exert immense pressure on you
      • Sometimes literally feel like you're going to blow apart violently, or simply drop dead

      You are probably NOT a True Nothing person, period. Practically nobody is.

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